Backgammon is one of the oldest known board games, combining elements of luck and skill. For beginners, understanding basic strategies can significantly enhance your gameplay. This guide will provide essential Backgammon dice game strategies to help you get started on the right foot.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into strategies, it’s crucial to understand the fundamentals of Backgammon. The game is played between two players, each with 15 pieces (checkers) that move according to rolls of two six-sided dice. The objective is to move all of your checkers into your home board and then bear them off before your opponent does.

Setting Up the Board

The Backgammon board consists of 24 narrow triangles called points. Checkers are placed in a specific initial setup which is the same for both players, mirroring each other.

Number of Checkers Initial Positions
2 24-point
5 13-point
3 8-point
5 6-point

Key Strategies for Beginners

1. Splitting and Slotting

Splitting involves moving your back checkers (those on the 24-point) early to create opportunities to advance. Slotting involves placing a checker on a point you intend to cover on a subsequent turn, usually to build a block.

  • Splitting: Move one checker from the 24-point to the 21-point and another to the 18-point.
  • Slotting: Place a lone checker on a point where it’s vulnerable but useful for later turns, like the 5-point.

2. Building a Strong Home Board

Creating a fortified home board makes it difficult for your opponent to re-enter their checkers. Aim to occupy and block critical points such as the 5-point and 4-point.

  • Try to occupy four or more points in your home board.
  • Focus on making successive blocks to limit your opponent’s options.

3. Hitting and Blocking

Hitting an opposing checker sends it to the bar, forcing your opponent to re-enter it starting from the 24-point. Blocking involves controlling consecutive points to restrict your opponent’s moves.

  • Hit your opponent’s lone checkers when it opens up strategic advantages.
  • Create blocks by stacking at least two checkers on adjacent points.

4. Bear Off Efficiently

Once all your checkers are in your home board, the process of bearing off begins. The goal is to remove your checkers from the board based on the roll of the dice.

Dice Roll Bear Off Checker From
1 1-point
2 2-point
3 3-point
4 4-point
5 5-point
6 6-point


Mastering these basic strategies will give you a solid foundation in the Backgammon dice game. As you gain more experience, you’ll discover more advanced tactics and techniques to elevate your play. Remember, Backgammon is not just about luck; strategic planning and smart moves can greatly influence the outcome of the game.